Public Records Access Form

This form  may be used to submit a request for access to or copies of Port Authority records and those of its subsidiaries.

Requests for Incident Reports

If your request is for a police report and/or other records from an incident at a Port Authority facility, please identify and describe in sufficient detail the specific record(s) being sought and provide the following information about the incident: date and time, the Port Authority facility and location within that facility where the incident occurred, the name(s) of the person(s) involved, a brief description of the nature of the incident, and the police report number, if known.

Requests for Video Footage

If  your request is for video footage of an incident at a Port Authority facility, it is especially important that you provide as detailed information as possible as to the time of day of the incident, the precise location where the incident occurred, and a description of the person(s) involved, including, for footage of a person, the clothing worn at the time of the incident (providing a photo, if possible), and, for footage of a vehicular incident, a description of the vehicle(s) involved, including license plate number.

To be completed by the Requester

This form is promulgated by the Port Authority pursuant to the Port Authority Public Records Access Policy and is intended to be construed consistent with the New York Freedom of Information Law and the New Jersey Open Public Records Act. It is intended to facilitate requests for Port Authority public records and does not constitute legal advice.


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